An outward looking centre of excellence
in the education of children with visual impairments

Priestley Smith Governing Body Groups
All members of the governing body meet regularly at Full Governing Body Meetings to take oversight of all of the work of the schools. This group responds to new legislation, ratifies decisions from committees and add rigour to school evaluation. This group holds school leaders to account.
If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please drop an email to Annie Bearfield, the Chair of Governors - Alternatively, you could leave a message for Annie via the school office and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
In order to save time and manage the workload better, most governing bodies appoint smaller committees and give them responsibility for specific areas. The prime responsibilities and decision making powers for each committee are determined by the full governing body and are set out in the ‘Committee Terms of Reference’ which are reviewed annually.
We have three sub committees that support the full governing body.
Teaching & Learning Committee
The Teaching and Learning Committee looks at all matters relating to pupils and their learning experiences in school. This includes our curriculum offer and pupil progress. The committee scrutinises achievement of all pupils, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, including those accessing Pupil Premium. They also consider the difference in achievement between boys, girls and different ethnic groups.
The Teaching and Learning Committee are responsible for ensuring that all students receive their entitlement to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to their needs and prepares them well for the future.
They review the school’s policy on all matters relating to the curriculum, including Sex and Relationships Education, Religious Education and Educational visits and monitor the School’s arrangements for providing daily collective worship for all pupils.
Finance Committee
This committee looks at all matters relating to school finances and ensure that staff and resources are in place to aid the best learning experiences for children. They pay particular attention to planning and spending budgets wisely and take into account any targeted funds for particular pupil groups.
Personnel & Health & Safety Committee
This committee reviews staffing to ensure the school has capacity to meet new demands and aspirations for the schools moving forward. They also monitor all aspects of health and safety, including safeguarding. They ensure that safer recruitment processes are followed rigorously when recruiting and appointing staff and that performance management systems hold staff accountable and support them to function at the highest level.
Contacting the Governing Body
If you would like to contact the Governing Body or raise any issues, please contact Annie Bearfield, Chair of Governors, or contact school and your details will be forwarded to Annie.